Sunday, September 9, 2012

"Making Moves"

Nothing stops you more than all the little monsters your mind creates, especially when it comes to persuing your goals.

Today, I took a chance and I noticed that the more you do something the more comfortable you become. The challenge to make this video, (which needed to be within a minute), made me laugh, got me upset, made me feel insecure, had me saying things that I didn't even know where it came from but most importantly it made me feel confident to keep striving and enjoy the experience.

Enjoy Take 1:

This was by far the funniest video, my husband and I could not stop laughing. I don't think anyone can talk over a toddler. Man, this little one was persistent and needed to get her point across. She gave me a life lesson with her persistency LOL!

Take 2:

I got stuck!!!!! But kept going to make my final video

And, the final video which hopefully will lead, WINNING!!!!! Wish me luck and I hope you enjoy. Please don't be shy, leave your comments on the YouTube post.

Julia S Gutierrez

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